In the old days they just shoved it all over the battlements!
But Guernsey now has some serious decisions to make about the treatment of it's waste.
A bunch of politicians thought they had it sorted but when scrutinized it appears they were about to overspend the public's money by a huge amount on an incinerator that was far too big for our needs. More practical solutions have now been proposed causing just a little 'egg on some faces'. C'est la vie!
Islands around the world struggle with challenges like this as they seldom enjoy the economies of scale found on the mainland. It is also very difficult to know when to invest in emerging technologies. We all agree that environmental concerns are important but the pace of change is so rapid and advances around the world so difficult to track, how do you know when to adopt a new solution?
It's not easy so perhaps we should cut the decision makers a little slack!
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